United Ostomy Associations of America Inc

UOAA Matching Gifts

Double Your Donation!

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage retirees as well as active employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some even provide a two-to-one match, which would triple the amount of your donation!

Check if your current or former employer has a matching gift program and, if so, what their policies are. It’s important to check, as policies are updated periodically. We know of companies that once matched only contributions to educational institutions, but now match contributions to most 501(c)(3) charities (including UOAA).

Some employers keep their own database of charities for which they match contributions. If your (current or former) employer hasn’t already matched a contribution to UOAA, you may need to ask to have UOAA added to their database. For this purpose, you may need to provide the employer with UOAA’s information, as follows:

United Ostomy Associations of America Inc
P.O. Box 525
Kennebunk, ME 04043-0525
Contact Person: UOAA Office Administrator
Phone Number: 800-826-0826
Fax Number: 888-747-9655

Website Address: www.ostomy.org
US Tax ID#: 13-4310726

For your donation to be matched, you’ll need to obtain a matching gift form from your employer each time you make a contribution, and you’ll need to send that form to UOAA to verify your contribution. You may find that your employer requires you to use an online system to generate their matching form.

When you send a contribution to UOAA by mail, please include your employer’s matching form as part of the same mailing. If you contribute to UOAA online, please mail or email your employer’s matching form separately to the UOAA office.

It requires just a little extra work to get a match from your (current or former) employer, but you’ll be able to double or triple the value of your donation to UOAA!