Young Ostomate and Diversion Alliance is an affiliated support group of the UOAA, and is designed specifically to meet the needs of ostomates and people with diversions between the ages of 18 and 30 (or so). In the coming months we will have our own discussion board, hosted here on the UOAA site, along with a section of the website devoted to all things YODAA.
In the mean time, if you would like to join YODAA, and receive our email updates and newsletter, please email Kristin Knipp your contact information. You can reach Kristin at kristinkjs(at) or YODAA(at)
YODAA- Young Ostomate and Diversion Alliance of America
Moderators: Bob Webtech, Jimbob
Forum rules
Before posting, please read our Discussion Board Terms and Conditions and our Code of Conduct.
Before posting, please read our Discussion Board Terms and Conditions and our Code of Conduct.