Large Capacity Pouch

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Large Capacity Pouch

Post by poucher »

I've been living with an ileostomy for 15 years. I recently tried using a large capacity pouch overnight. It has helped reduce irritation around the stoma from premature separation. I also get a more restful sleep, and feel much better in the morning. One downside is that I made the pouches myself with a standard pouch, duct tape, and a small garbage bag. It's not pretty, but it worked! Does anyone know of any manufacturers that make a supersize pouch?
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by sassie »

maybe the sleeves that are used for irrigating would be great for you, the top is open but that would be a easy fix with a bag sealer and the bottom is closed with a plastic clip, of course this would be for a 2 pouch system..just google Ostomy Irrigation Sleeve and you can see a picture of them, they come 5 to a box..
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by steiconi »

Convatec sleeves have a Ziploc type top closure. Hollister uses a fold and twist tie closure. You could reinforce either with duct tape.

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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by vincefaiola »

Coloplast, convatec and hollister all make high output pouches. Some with clips some with drain ports and some with velcro. I’d you call all three, you can talk to an advisor to help get you samples that will work for you.

Coloplast is the only one with a highoupit drain pouch and with a poet and a regular sized drain pouch with a drain port for ileostomy output. Cool thing is the smaller pouch costs less and can be used during the day while the larger one can be switched for night use. ... gh-output/

Here’s one for a special ileo night pouch
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by poucher »

Thank you for the suggestions! I will look into the sleeves and high output pouches.
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by gap »

Unfortunately the 2 Sites provided above don't solve the issue. I have complained to product manufactures of ostomy supplies for years that folks with ileostomies need a larger pouch for nite time use. A pouch with a spout at the bottom doesn't work; period. Spout is too narrow unless one produces a liquid. I wake up numerous times every night because of a full pouch (mostly air actually) no matter how much or what I eat or when I eat. IT WOULD BE NICE TO BE ABLE TO SLEEP ALL NIGHT! Can't imagine there are not many others who would benefit as well.
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by vincefaiola »

Have you tried those products? There are two thickness levels of spouts. Did you get samples?

This is exactly what you are asking for- a specifically designed larger volume pouch made just for ileostomies.

Also, if for some reason your ileostomy outut is too thick, you could cut the tap and use a clip- that would get you the large volume pouch you need for sleep?

If it’s air that’s causing the issue and not volume- you need to check out better filters. Try a two piece pouch so you can change the filter every other day. The high output pouches I sent you the link for have a full circle filter specifically made for ilesosromy output as well.
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by Diane C »

G'morning all,

Meant to get much sleep tonight but it was a long night... all is ok -- was out volunteering for a play for the first time -- progress -- but have a question. I saw this thread.

The home health nurse (and nurse's aide whom I really don't need) and PT are coming through the end of this week. I order supplies through this nurse for now. Soon, I'll be back to ordering them myself.

I will read all the posts about filters -- a BIG issue for me. I am buying Coloplast deoderant liquid gel which someone suggested -- putting a few drops in the pouch so stool goes to the bottom -- unsure if that person had an ileostomy as I do now or a colostomy which was replaced on Nov 1.

I know Karen/Button uses Coloplast Mio Sensura. I've sort of liked them recently when I got samples. I actually prefer a clip at the bottom to keep things clean but these only have velcro. But overall, I like where the filters are -- at least better than Convatec which I've used for years because I liked its irrigation sleeve the best. Must compare the pouches and filters on Coloplast Mio Sensura to Hollister. (I dislike the clickable Coloplast products.)

Does anyone else use Coloplast Mio Sensura? What about the high output pouch? Coloplast makes one with a spout which you can attach to a special system I don't need. Just wondering about the other opaque high output pouch which has a regular drainable outlet and a filter. May get the regular pouch AND the high output. Surprised the Coloplast rep the didn't mention the high output pouch at all on the phone. Before I had surgery, I DID buy Convatec 2" 2-piece faceplates and pouches in preparation for the ileostomy -- and also irrigation sleeves for use in bed if necessary to prevent leakage and so I can sleep (sleeping alone these days... and have not been in a relationship for several years so only I see the products I'm using). My stoma has now shrunk to 2" and am unsure if it will keep shrinking. Unfor, Coloplast Mio Sensura has no irrigation sleeve and the one they use for Assura products attaches with adhesive -- those can fall off -- or certainly did with irrigation which I used to do when I irrigated with my colostomy.

Any words of wisdom re the high output Coloplast Sensura Mio pouch -- and also the filters vs those of Hollister?

Many thanks... will read more after I get up! Tired!

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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by Button »

Remember that your new ileostomy is in its early phases of recovery. It is like a newborn - at times fussy and not easy to console. It’s a new and evolving relationship and different than you knew with your MACE and colostomy.

That said, expect that what whatever ostomy system you find that works somewhat well for you now will likely not be what you find works best for you a year from now. An ileostomy requires a longer search and explore period in terms of trying and evaluating ostomy products, simply because the ileostomy output can be so challenging in the early days. High volume; highly liquid in consistency; intestinal irritation and a cranky gut; et al.

I think you need to resolve to the fact that you will be experimenting and trying a number of different options during the first year of healing. Thinking that you will be able to find and decide on “The One” - the optimal brand, optimal pouch/wafer, optional accessories - is going to be an elusive target for quite some time.

Your best bet is to call or e-mail and get an abundance of products to try. And try over time. You want to have a pantry of a wide range of supplies so that you can have options when unexpected or new issues arise. Ex. Sheets of DuoDerm; adapted rings/seals; skin protectents, such as Cavilon or other; medication to heal excoriation, such as Marathon Liquid; different pouches, sizes/volumes; different wafers; Accessories that secure wafer boarders. Your ostomy and your small intestine will be in flux for months to come.

My ileostomy was high maintenance for several months. I was sleep deprived and dealing with leaks and unexpected output. But over the course of the year, the behavior of my ileostomy became noticeably calmer and predictable. I found a rhythm and harmony with my ileostomy. And I ended up with an ideal pouching system that would not have been workable during earlier months. Aspects of care and pouching that were difficult early were no longer.

I had Byram Healthcare send me a printed ostomy supply catalogue. It was helpful to see the wide array of products available. I made a mental inventory of possibilities.

I do not think that anyone can give you exact answers to what you are asking. People are unique in not only their ostomy, skin, and abdominal topography . . . But also unique in what is most important for them in an ostomy system . . . And unique in eating patterns and food and drink . . . . And in lifestyle and activities of daily living and hobbies.

Gather a large and wide assortment of ostomy products. Explore and experiment over time. Stay aware of new product offerings. Keep in hand a pantry of accessories and skin care products so that you have options when an unexpected issue arises (ex. Weepy skin, fungal rash). And roll with the flow.
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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by Diane C »

Thanks, Karen,

Yes, I'm sure you're correct. My surgery was only Nov 1 and my stoma and how my ileostomy works still change. Am sure this will go on -- not surprised by the challenges -- just trying to make life (and laundry, sleeping, going out) easier.

I'd never heard of a "large output" pouch until I saw it on this discussion board so remain curious about Coloplast's Sensura Mio one. The regular pouch seems to fill so often -- I don't feel a thing but look down -- and it's time for another emptying and cleaning out with water. And in the last few days, I've had second thoughts about the filters and am now thinking that Hollister's may be better. I'd be curious why you prefer Coloplast Sensura Mio if you care to share.

I'd like to get as long a pouch as possible -- not an irrigation sleeve -- and the best possible filter. We are all different -- but the majority might -- or not -- win. Convatec is so popular but the placement of the filter is just ridiculous and I've spent too much energy writing or calling the R&D Development. Since I don't irrigate any more, I can switch.

And yes, I need to contact other companies. Like you, I also love Cymed but I don't think it'll do the trick this time around.

Sun is out here -- finally! Finally visiting my 101-year old mother who hasn't seen me since surgery!

Thanks to all!

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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by VonnieM »

I have used a two piece Torbot pouching system for years. They have plastic pouches measuring 6" by 12". I lose an 1" or so in length when attaching it to my reusable plastic face plate. I don't have blowouts even at night because of the large capacity. The pouches are as flexible as a plastic bread bag and will follow the contour of you body when lying on your side. I never remove the pouch between changes, I just cut off a small corner of the bag for drainage purposes and close it with a Hollister clamp. You might want to contact Torbot to see if they could help you with your dilemma.

I wrote about my process in my posting to UOAA a couple of years ago - "Flush Stoma - Good Wear Time". I did find it on the internet awhile back.

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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by Diane C »


Only have a minute to reply. T-you for this info. I'll call Turbot. I still have a few companies to call -- Danco also. I think I'm switching from Edgepark to Mercy Medical (which my home health care staff used after my colostomy was removed and I had surgery for a new ileo on 11/1). The rep assigned to me really knew her stuff.

Yes, I was using Convatec irrigation sleeves at night after getting my ileostomy and frankly, they helped immensely. But I am experimenting with different pouching systems due to some leakage because my abdomen now has a crater where the colostomy and hernia were and the ileostomy was placed over the scar where I had a MACE (different intestinal surgery). So now using seals, Stomahesive strips, and more -- and the experiment goes on. For now, I've switched to Hollister because of the filter and am trying to order irrigation sleeves. Unsure if Medicare and Blue Cross will allow them with an ileostomy but we'll see. I had ordered the new irrigation sleeves when I had a colostomy.

Also, I was unaware of the high output pouches and hear that Convatec's filter is higher up which would be an advantage so I'm getting a sample of that.

Thanks for the info. The trial and error goes on!

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Re: Large Capacity Pouch

Post by poucher »

I just watched a review of the Coloplast Asura night drainage pouch. This looks like it will work for me. I am going to request a sample. I currently use Convatec, but will switch if this pouch works.

I'll post again after I try out the sample.
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