Iry Pump

A forum devoted to "Irrigation" - a procedure that may be helpful for some people with left-sided colostomies.
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by darick »


Seems like a lot of work to use (power needed, etc) and not the best for travel. I would probably stick with the gator kit and hang it still. I hang my bag up on the door or shower curtain rod, so probably five feet above me when I'm sitting on the toilet. That pressure is always good for me.

I pondered a small squeeze bottle of sorts at one point, but never got around to it; viewtopic.php?f=12&t=24074
Ewings Sarcoma: 1996; G-tube: 1997; Cecostomy: 1998-99; Colostomy: ~2000; Irrigator: 2013-
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by lolapergola »

For anyone who may be interested - I have used the Iry Pump a few times now .It is much smaller in real life than on the page .Although it needs charging , a charge lasts for weeks .It is lightweight , simple to use ,and is easily transported in it's own smart travel case .You basically pop up the top part which doubles the size of the water container , then fill with warm water .Attach the tube and cone , put an irrigation sleeve on, and place the cone into the stoma.The pump has five settings 1 being very slow water pressure ,to 5 being fastest .I used it on 2 ,and it didn't take long .

If my irrigation was running to plan ,I would get this item .It seems cleaner , faster and more efficient than the regular method.As it is , irrigation just isn't working for me at the moment .One of the contra indications is "siphoning " which I hadn't heard of - it means the intestine doesn't lie smoothe against bowel wall .I know I have a kink in my bowel , so this could be why irrigation isn't successful for me .You can't use it if you have a hernia or stenosed intestine - which also could be me .

But - if you have success normally , this says you can go 48 hours in between irrigations.It also promises to reduce flatulence .
If anyone has any q's I'll try to answer them .This item is available on the NHS in the UK .
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by darick »

lolapergola wrote:if you have success normally , this says you can go 48 hours in between irrigations.It also promises to reduce flatulence.
That's how my body runs with irrigations. I only gator every mon-wed-fri morning. So 48 hours up to 72 hours on the weekends.
This box looks neat, but don't think it will help me much.
Ewings Sarcoma: 1996; G-tube: 1997; Cecostomy: 1998-99; Colostomy: ~2000; Irrigator: 2013-
[ Ana+Alex ]
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by [ Ana+Alex ] »

Dear Lola,

Any Update Worth mentioning about the Iry Pump?

Thanks in advance,
Rectal AdenoCa IIIb
TAMIS/TME - Perm Colostomy 05/17
Irrigating + Hollister Stoma cap
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by lolapergola »

Hi Ana, I have just got back from the U.S. yesterday .I put the Iry Pump in the hold, so didn't carry it onto the plane .It worked very well while I was away and I irrigated every other day with ease. No worrying about hanging a bag full of water up ,as it's a pumped irrigation it could even work if you put it on the floor .The whole thing seems to be faster and pain free for me .It's not as bulky as you think - I took it out of its original case which is quite thick ,and put it in a large cosmetic case which cut the size considerably .It works with any sleeve and belt system too .I find it's easier to keep clean than water bags as they get black build up in the tubes .With the Iry Pump you just wipe the inside dry and it's done.
I hope this helps anyone who is interested in one .any q's please ask
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by Majorkahuna »

Anyone have access to order one? Mexico?
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by serracin »

How about a much cheaper, syringe bulb pump?
It’s an old , simple method, but, for some unknown reasons, not used anymore!
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by AlohaMac »

I have used it’s predecessor since 2004.
Irrigation takes around 30-45 minutes. I flush in 1 liter of water and I am clear for two days. I use a stoma plug too which saves in noise from the stoma but as someone else observed neither the pump or the plugs are available in the USA.
The pump cost me around £300 in the UK.
I can’t recommend it enough.
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Re: Iry Pump and plugs

Post by Mikem »

Just curiously, does anyone know if these are available in Canada?
Colostomy, A/P Feb 2006 for Stage 1 CRC
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Re: Iry Pump

Post by lolapergola »

Just to update anyone who doesn't know .The Iry Pump by B.Braun has been discontinued here in the UK .Which is a shame if you have got used to using one .There is no available alternative to it , just ye olde bag that you hang up as always .Apparently it got turned down for selling in the U/S due to a technicality .
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