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Animated Avatars

Posted: 2008-11-07 14:22:29
by texasgal
Ok so I know how to make a avator BUT there have been several one's I have seen that move constantly,like Wrinkles,The lady from Missouri that her husband just passed away...I have several avators that I like that move,but when I try to use them they don't move like they are supposed to...What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Posted: 2008-11-07 15:10:35
by Bob Webtech

I can't say what you're doing wrong, because I don't know what you're doing :wink:. I can say that if you want an animated avatar, it needs to be in GIF format (.gif file extension). There are other web technologies that can produce moving pictures, such as Flash, but they won't work as avatars. Whether or not your avatar is animated, it's subject to the same limitations on image size and file size--at most 80 x 80 pixels and 6 kB. If you find a GIF image that would be too big to work as an avatar, you might be able to shrink it using the free GIF editor at