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Selling or Swapping Ostomy items

Posted: 2009-01-27 12:29:21
by sandys
Hi all --

I have seen people offering to give items away on this board but what about swapping or selling? Is there a rule against that or

is it possible that there might be a separate board for Selling/Swapping or giving away?
I would rather buy from someone who posts here rather than Ebay, but I also have a few items I would swap or give away.

Thanks ---

Re: Selling or Swapping Ostomy items

Posted: 2009-01-27 14:31:16
by LeeAnn
Here on the Discussion Board, we advocate the donation of supplies, but discourage anyone selling supplies. You can ask for the cost of shipping to be reimbursed to you, but we don't allow members to 'sell' supplies on here. That is just a rule we have and many other Discussion Boards are the same with this.


Re: Selling or Swapping Ostomy items

Posted: 2011-02-11 16:30:47
by Clever1
Even so there should be a Topic for just sorting supplies out to each other. For some people thats a big deal. Call it whatever you want.
And I agree I'd rather deal with like minded folk then track something down on Ebay or elsewhere.


Re: Selling or Swapping Ostomy items

Posted: 2011-02-14 00:14:27
by wolfva
There's also a legal issue, I think. Many people here get their supplies via insurance or government programs. I don't think it's legal for them to sell their supplies. I'm pretty sure if the FBI knock on Bob's door at 3am with a capeas of duceum tuetum or a search warrant requesting a user's information in regards to an investigation of insurance fraud, Bob would turn the info over asap. I could be wrong, maybe he'd slam the door in their face, grab his glock, and go out in a blaze of gunfire...I mean, he DOES sorta look like a pirate afterall......<ducking>.

I am sooooo gonna pay for that joke. I just know it. <sigh>