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Chronic Constipation due to IBS-C

Posted: 2017-06-25 13:36:27
by Dawson22
Hey all,
For the last 8 years, I've been struggling with IBS-C, plagued by severe constipation and an inability to have normal intestinal motility. Furthermore, my intestines have been hypersensitive to any fecal matter present in the lower region, closer to the rectum. It was very difficult to have a bowel movement, and I would spend 1-2 hours on the toilet struggling to have one. When I have stool present in my intestines, it brings up a myriad of symptoms which included migraines (causing light, temperature and sound insensitivty), extreme lethargy, bloating and abdominal pain, as well as dizziness and disorientation. For this reason, I am unable to carry on with my daily activities. I have become very isolated and had to push off work, school, as well as other engagements in my life. My quality of life has deteriorated significantly. However, I learned that coffee was able to speed up my BMs to the point where I could expel the fecal waste. I would drink copious amounts of coffee between 8-10 cups daily, to have 4-6 BMs in order to fully evacuate my system. After which, I felt normal again and not plagued by the inflammation. Although this procedure entailed spending 4-5 hours on the toilet, and result in blood loss from the formation of internal hemorrhoid, the relief of getting my life back made me continue the process, daily. This method worked for 3 years until my uric acid levels shot up, causing dehydration. This reciprocated the constipation. Now I am unable to evacuate my bowels and as such feel the burden of the symptoms. I've become depressed and borderline suicidal as a result so I decided to get a consult for a colonostomy/ileostomy procedure. I have tried everything else in the last 8 years from fibre supplements, FOODMAP diet, daily exercise, laxatives, to prescribed medication (linaclotide) without any such luck. I am deciding to go through with the surgery in the hopes that it will cause a change in my lifestyle because at this point, as the symptoms are getting worse. I wanted to know your thoughts on the ileostomy/colonostomy procedure.