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In Remembrance

Posted: 2020-09-11 13:02:02
by To Dream a Dream
Road to Damascus

Those dreams of sanctuary are gone.
Felled abruptly from above in one burning blinding sweep.
Burying complacency and innocence alike in smoking ruin
And shocked survivors face the trembling crumble of a civilization.

The poet falls helpless
Like some broken marionette, whose puppeteer has fled.
Tangled in slackening strings,
Collapsing in mid-dance without a guide
As branches overhead, blast by bitter wind, wither on a dying tree.
Barren and wasted.
The long-awaited sun, stillborn.

Words have lost their former power.
A wounded world cries out for action.
And those too self-absorbed, who feel their way through life,
Find personal introspection held as sacrilege
By this poignant throbbing of collective grief.

Where are the answers to an echoing monotony of futile questions?
Spilling, dry as dust, down through the ages.
What meaning in the meaningless?
Stark reminder of paternal sins
That curse and blight successive generations.

A little solace is sought amid familiar warmth of flesh and fur.
Suddenly, there is priceless value in a child's smile
Or the simple certitude of reassuring paws.
Hope lies defined in banks of flowers
And a fragile memory of last summer's blueberries.


Difficult to believe that nineteen years have passed by . . . God bless us all.

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2020-11-02 00:49:09
by lms1
This is beautiful TDAD. I had to go to the ER this year on 9/11. I decided one positive is that I won’t forget the date I went to the ER this time.

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2021-02-26 20:51:05
by Diane C
Just saw this. Yes, seems like yesterday. Certainly wishing the world and our nation more peaceful times ahead. And everyone on this board, too.

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2021-02-28 09:52:48
by To Dream a Dream
Thank you, Diane, for remembering the rest of us in the midst of your own grief. You have that special knack of reaching out to others. Karen had (has--I like to dwell in the eternal tense) it, too.
I have been doing a lot of my own 'remembering' these days. Influence of the pandemic, no doubt. I jot thoughts down. Calling them my Musings. Perhaps, my morph of Haiku.


Scrambling barefoot through the coals. --Esperanza

PS: Esperanza Meaning 'Hope' is my penname.

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2021-08-15 11:17:16
by cdogtom
ah-- a light in the dark--
thank you

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2021-08-17 19:35:35
by To Dream a Dream
Hi Tom: So glad to see your post. I pray for all of our Board members. For their healthy & happiness. It's becoming more difficult for me to keep up with the world lately. Time seems to escape me. My age, I guess. Take care & God bless.

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2021-10-18 15:49:31
by cdogtom
To Dream a Dream wrote: 2021-08-17 19:35:35 Hi Tom: So glad to see your post. I pray for all of our Board members. For their healthy & happiness. It's becoming more difficult for me to keep up with the world lately. Time seems to escape me. My age, I guess. Take care & God bless.
God bless you too Dream ........

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2023-01-05 07:51:28
by cdogtom
to all and Dream have a good new year....

Re: In Remembrance

Posted: 2023-01-08 12:02:54
by To Dream a Dream
Thank you, Tom, for posting. And may God bless your New Year, also. I do feel my age, though. And feel the many loses of those who have gone on from this life. Including those who have disappeared from the Board. It's nice to be remembered.