A Change of Seasons/A Changing Heart

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To Dream a Dream
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A Change of Seasons/A Changing Heart

Post by To Dream a Dream »

Once again, the seasons change here. The songbirds have migrated beginning with a bumper crop of young tree & barn swallows despite the prevalence of West Nile virus in north eastern PA. There has finally been a hard frost after a pleasantly prolonged summer. No ice on the pond as yet. A brief coating of snow one morning that soon melted. My ‘Immortality’ reblooming iris finally did just that this year. Allowing me over a dozen lovely crystalline blossoms to brighten the Moonlight Garden into November. Hinting of sleeping bulbs and of a renewal yet to be.

Although my old Snow Lion can never be replaced, a pretty lady Snow Lioness recently crossed my path when taking donations to a local shelter. She was obviously very unhappy alone in her big cage. Her lovely blue eyes lit up as if in recognition at my approach. I presented her with a flannel mouse toy I’d brought along. The Snow Lion’s favorite. (Was it a possible trace of his lingering scent?) Anyway, we bonded and the rest as is said, becomes history. And a painful void I’ve felt since his loss has lessened considerably.

Some of you may have noticed a more somber tone in my posts. And often lack of them. The pandemic’s influence continues to be felt in subtle and not so subtle ways as cases & unfortunately deaths have increased locally. Along with the usual aging process & its inevitable losses. I decided to channel my malaise into a concentrated effort to compile about half of my poems into an anthology. A young artist friend has graciously lent her talent & own gift of an intuitive empathy by providing the cover artwork.

I have an intense feeling that this effort has become my ‘Swan Song.’ One last attempt to capture life’s mystery and paradox. Its many ironies of ‘blood.’ And ‘sweat.’ And ‘tears.’
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Re: A Change of Seasons/A Changing Heart

Post by cdogtom »

Hello Dream,tis good to read your post,life is a mystery indeed

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To Dream a Dream
Posts: 1415
Joined: 2010-08-10 18:35:53

Re: A Change of Seasons/A Changing Heart

Post by To Dream a Dream »

Hi Tom: Glad to see your post. Praying you have a very happy & blessed thanksgiving.
Crohn's Dx '66 (perforated ileum)
Multiple Bowel Resections
Ileo '77 Revision '85
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